
SB Michaels is an author, a creator, and a contradiction some would say. He would just like to call himself a thrill seeker who just loves to live life: he loves to climb mountains (most notably, the Smokey Mountains, Mount Elbert in Colorado, and Huyana Picchu in Peru), jump out of plains, bungee jump and just overall explore the depths of the world; the contradiction comes into play because he’s an all-around risk analyst for a bank, so it’s rather peculiar that he’s so risk inclined. That being said, along with exploring the depths of the world, he believes it’s also important to explore the depths of his own mind: thus he was led to writing. He writes literary fiction, science fiction, fantasy, horror-pretty much any genre that comes to his mind. He’s relatively unpublished, besides what he’s published himself on his blog and on the Amazon Kindle Marketplace (which he would highly recommend you check out.. which of course, is not just a shameless plug).